- Dunstan Vits + Mins provides a concentrated source of nutrients in a low intake of feed.
Dunstan Vits + Mins balances forage and unfortified grain diets.
Dunstan Vits + Mins meets the nutrient shortfalls of pasture only diets.
Ideal for all horses that maintain body condition on pasture alone.
The low feeding rate makes it ideal for ‘good doers’ that do not require the higher intakes of a full feed.
Dunstan Vits + Mins meets the pregnant mares requirement for key minerals, assisting to reduce the incidence of skeletal disorders associated with mineral deficiencies or imbalances in the subsequent foal.
Utilises Organic Minerals for improved bio-availability.
Includes Natural Vitamin E, the most bio-available form of Vitamin E.
Can be used to ‘top up’ the vitamin and mineral contribution in the diet if feeding a full feed at below the recommended feeding rates. - Soya Hulls, Barley, Bran & Pollard, Molasses, Vitamins and Minerals, Salt, Virgin Canola Oil, Limestone, Dicalcium Phosphate.
Heat stable Vitamins added at the time of manufacture. Typical Analysis (dry matter basis)
Crude Protein | 11.0% |
Fat | 4.5% |
Fibre | 19.0% |
Salt | 2.0% |
Energy DE | 12.0MJ/Kg |
Nutrient Composition - per kilo of Dunstan Vits + Mins (as fed)
Crude Protein | 100g |
Lysine | 6.0g |
Calcium | 16.0g |
Phosphorus | 6.0g |
Sodium | 7.0g |
Chloride | 10.0g |
Magnesium | 6.0g |
Iron | 450mg |
Zinc (organic) | 800mg |
Manganese | 250mg |
Copper (organic) | 400mg |
Cobalt | 1.0mg |
Iodine | 4.0mg |
Selenium (organic) | 5.0mg |
Vitamin A | 80000iu |
Vitamin D | 6000iu |
Vitamin E | 1000iu |
If feeding a ‘full feed’ (containing vitamins and minerals) at amounts between 1-2kg per day (based on a 500kg bodyweight) Dunstan Vits + Mins can be added at 200grams to ‘top up’ nutrients shortfalls and balance the diet.
Do not add Dunstan Vits + Mins when feeding a full feed (containing vitamins and minerals) in excess of 2.5kg per day (based on a 500kg bodyweight)
Spelling | 300grams per day |
Light Work | 400grams per day |
Moderate Work | 500grams per day |
- Ensure adequate fibre intakes by providing 1% - 1.5% per day of the horses body weight as Dunstan Betabeet/Sugarbeet, chaff, hay or pasture (on a Dry Matter basis).
Always introduce a new feed gradually over a period of 7 - 10 days.
Always ensure the Horse has access to clean drinking water.
High Copper levels in Dunstan Vits + Mins make it unsuitable for feeding to sheep.