The team from Dunstan Nutrition are proud to be working alongside the New Zealand Standardbred Breeders Association. We are looking forward to the Breeding Season Launch to be held in August.
The seminars provide a fantastic opportunity to hear from studs about the Stallion services they have available for the upcoming season and what the stallion progeny have been doing on the racetrack.
Equine Nutritionist, Gretel Webber (Assoc.Dip.App.Sc, BBus, MSc Equine) will be attending, along with her colleagues from the Dunstan team.
Gretel will also be speaking about the importance of feeding the broodmare in the last trimester of pregnancy and the feeding of low starch high fibre diets for young growing horses.
For those of you that cannot attend the following information is key:-
Nutrition of the pregnant mare has a huge impact on the subsequent foal. Ensuring that the mare maintains adequate body condition is important (without becoming overweight) as this ensures she has sufficient body condition to take on the energy demands of lactation once she has foaled. If the mare is to be re-bred, maintaining adequate body condition will improve the likelihood of early conception.
The last trimester of the mare’s pregnancy is a critical time to provide her with the appropriate intakes of key trace minerals including Copper, Zinc, Selenium and Manganese. If this is done, it will assist in the development of a sound skeleton in the subsequent foal and the future athlete.
The way in which these key nutrients will be provided will depend on the individual mare (her metabolic rate) and pasture availability. Mares which are lighter and require hard feed to maintain condition will receive adequate nutrient intake in their last trimester if fed a good quality premixed feed such as Dunstan Breed and Grow at a minimum of 2.5kg daily (based on a 500kg bodyweight). Dunstan Breed and Grow is a low GI, high-fibre, low-starch complete feed which includes organic minerals, and contains natural vitamin E. It is specifically formulated for pregnant and lactating mares and young stock.
In the situation where mares are holding sufficient body condition and do not require the recommended intake of the full feed, a more concentrated source of supplementary feed is appropriate – a feed that provides more nutrients per kg. Dunstan Trimarester can be used in this situation. Dunstan Trimarester is a concentrated vitamin and mineral pellet. Feeding 500grams of Dunstan Trimarester to last trimester mares will provide adequate intake of key nutrients required by the unborn foal.
Once mares have foaled, their energy requirements increase to meet the demands of lactation. Dunstan Breed and Grow is still the most suitable supplementary feed after foaling, however, intakes will need to be increased for ‘lighter’ mares.
Dunstan Breed and Grow is also the ideal first-feed for the foal to share with the mare. As Dunstan Breed and Grow is a low GI formulation, calories are provided by fibre sources rather than starch-laden grains. Therefore, it is a safer and more digestible feed for the young horse. In addition, the low GI nature of Dunstan Breed and Grow helps to minimise the negative impact that insulin can have on the development of joints and cartilage - all important for a growing a sound skeleton.
The seminars are being held on:
- Thursday, August 5, 6pm – Alexandra Park (race night), Presidents Suite,
- Sunday, August 8, 11am – Addington Raceway (race day), Terror to Love Lounge
- Tuesday, August 10, 4.30pm – Ascot Park Hotel
If you are unable to attend the seminars and would like some more information on feeding your broodmare and weanling please do contact the team at Dunstan.